Saturday, 23 February 2013

chapter 10: learning outcomes: Extending The organization( SCM)

apa dia sebenarnya supply chain ni ye? klo dalam bm dia rangkaian bekalan lah..
macam mana satu product tu boleh dihasilkan melalui satu rangkaian bekalan dari suppliers sampailah ke pengedar ataupun sampai ke tangan pengguna..kalau ikut sbenarnya saya ada buat entry tajuk Supply Chain Management..

kat bawah ni saya nak menambah informasi je..hehehe

List and describe the components of a typical supply chain

A company must have a plan for managing all the resources that go towards meeting customer demand for products and services. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less and delivers high quality and value to customers 

Companies must carefully choose reliable suppliers that will deliver goods and services required for making products. Companies must also develop a set of pricing, delivery, and payment processes with suppliers and create metrics for monitoring and improving the relationships 

Companies manufacture the products or services. This can include scheduling the activities necessary for the production, testing, packaging, and preparing for delivery. 

Deliver/ Logistics:
The set of processes that plans for and controls the efficient and effective transportation and storage of supplies from suppliers to customers. 
During this step, companies must be able to receive orders from customers, fulfil the orders via a network of warehouses, pick transportation companies to deliver the products and implement a billing and invoicing system to facilitate payments

Companies must create a network for receiving defective and excess products and support customers who have problems with delivered products. 

Describe the four changes resulting from advances in IT that are driving supply chain

Supply chain visibility is the ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain.
Bullwhip effect occurs when distorted products demand information passes from one entity to the next through the supply chain.
*Information technology allows additional visibility in the supply chain.

Demand planning software generates demand forecasts using statistical tools and forecasting techniques.
Ones an organization understand customer demand and its effect on the supply chain it can begging to estimate the impact that its supply chain will have on its customers and ultimately the organization's performance.

Supply chain management can be broken down in"
Supply chain planning software: uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain while reducing inventory. SCP depends entirely on information for its accuracy.
Supply chain executive (SCE) software automates the different stems and stages of the supply chain.

During the past decade, competition has focused on speed. New forms of severs, telecommunications enabling companies to perform activities that were once never thought possible.
Another aspect of speed is the company's ability to satisfy continually changing customer requirements efficiently, accurately, and quickly.

Summarize the best practices for implementing successful supply chain management system

§Plan This is the strategic portion of supply chain management. A company must have a plan for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for products or services. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less, and delivers high quality and value to customers. Dell must plan how it wants to handle its supply chain – efficiently or effectively.
§SourceCompanies must carefully choose reliable suppliers that will deliver goods and services required for making products. Companies must also develop a set of pricing, delivery, and payment processes with suppliers and create metrics for monitoring and improving the relationships. Dell will need to choose partners who have the same innovative mindset and are capable of keeping up with Dells fast pace.
§Make This is the step where companies manufacture their products or services. This can include scheduling the activities necessary for production, testing, packaging, and preparing for delivery. This is by far the most metric-intensive portion of the supply chain, measuring quality levels, production output, and worker productivity. Dell needs to ensure all of its computers are of the highest quality – quality issues in the PC market will kill a PC manufacturer.
§DeliverThis step is commonly referred to as logistics. Logistics is the set processes that plans for and controls the efficient and effective transportation and storage of supplies from suppliers to customers. During this step, companies must be able to receive orders from customers, fulfill the orders via a network of warehouses, pick transportation companies to deliver the products, and implement a billing and invoicing system to facilitate payments. This step is critical to Dell since it does not have a distributor to deliver its products.

    ReturnThis is typically the most problematic step in the supply chain. Companies must create a network for  
       receiving defective and excess products and support customers who have problems with delivered products. Since Dell does no have any distributors it must make the return process as easy as possible for customers.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

Sahabat???apa maksudnya sbenarnya..
tehee aku da link kan..rjin2 la bkak link..huhuhuhu

sebenarnya sahabat paling2 baik denagn kite adalah IBUBAPA kite sendiri..
mereka lah yang xkan sesekali kianat kite..
merekalah yang jaga kite dri kecik smpai la saiz ank gajah..(tahahaha sori itu saiz aku saje).
so ada possibility ke parents kite nak kianat kite?absolutely X..
semua ibubapa nak yang terbaik utk ank2nya..
setakat ni akuxjmpa ibubapa yang lupakan ank,(bkn ibupaba yg buang ank)
HANYA ank lupakan ibubapa
source: google

segala perjalanan hidup aku ditentukan oleh Yang Maha Esa tapi ats bimbingan keluarga aku..
segala suka duka kehidupan aku semua nya ayah aku tahu..
AYAH-pendengar terbaik
AYAH- penasihat terbaik
AYAH-pengkritik yg jujur

Nape aku nak cari sahabat yang len sedangkan aku ada sahabat yang dianugerahkan untuk aku.
Bersahabatlah dengan ibubapa anda kerana mereka sentiasa menyayangi kite.
mak saya dah meninggal..(layan syahdu jap)!_!
xpe2 next entry aku wat cite pasal mak aku plak =)

BUKAN aku xde sahabat lain..
ada2 sambil angguk2..hehehe
lagi seorang sahabat yang aku xkan lupekan smpai aku mati iaitu merangkap roomate's,classmate's and housemate's..
Nape aku sayang dia???
mse aku susah dia sentiasa dgn aku,
aku sedih dia jgk sentiasa ada dengan aku,
mse aku sakit dia yang jage smpai aku sehat,
tatkala aku perlukan seorang teman untuk bercerita,
HANYA dia yang ada disisi aku selain ibubapa aku..



what is artificial technologies???hewhewhew..
It is something that systems similarly with human intelligence..
In the simple words something like robotics because it's stimulates from human behavior and thinking.

There are four categories of Artificial Intelligence:

kind a process of solving difficult problems.
the example company using this software is Cell Matrix Corporation.
A Cell Matrix is an electronic structure with a set of physical and functional properties that are convenient for designing and manufacturing circuits. The Cell Matrix computing architecture is essentially a construct for thinking about, designing, and building digital circuits. Whereas computer programming languages provide a way of thinking about and solving problems.
This company has apply expert systems a part of artificial intelligence. 

To emulate the way the human brains works. It is also analyze large quantities of information to establish patterns and characteristics in situations where the logic or rules are unknown.
Organization who apply this software is Brighterion.
Brighterion is the leader in smart analytics offering products for real-time
cross-channel fraud prevention, device ID, clickstream analysis, credit risk, chargeback, KYC, AML compliance, and homeland security intelligence. Our products are used and trusted by the largest institutions and governments around the world.

BioComp Systems one of the company who applied genetic algorithms.
For over 20 years, the key BioComp technology staff have researched, applied, and learned the utility of different algorithms. Every algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses. We look for and invent "robust" algorithms, ones that are flexible and powerful enough to be applied in many ways with little or no modification. Through this process we have modified select algorithms to improve their performance and results.
This is used to make decision towards company future.

Is a special-purpose knowledge-based information system that accomplished specific task on behalf of its users. 
Example of organization using this is shopping Yahoo
software programs that operate unattended, usually on the Internet.
Intelligence agents also have the capabilities to handle supply chain buying and selling.

source: google

madam cakap cite dia best..=p