Saturday, 30 November 2013

(MBM 115)

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Masa nak isi borang sambung degree aritu search la kat internet then sy perasan lah sesuatu bila search2 ramai lah buat review pasal course yang diorg study.
Tetapi malangnya course ni mmg xde sape yg bg review and bagi sy ramai lah jgk looking down on this course..
yes! mentality malaysian masih rendah lg pasal insurance..xsemua tp some of them.

Masa mula2 dpt kos ni pon sy xnak ambik sb mentality sy pon sama mcm orang len..xnk lah t kuar jd agent after completing my diploma in business management (insurance) my perception on insurance scope is totally difference and I'm also intends to look forward about insurance.

Mmg ad org ckp eh insurance kan haram.xnak lah ad riba'..yes I'm admit it.but in islam it is applied since zaman Rasulullah lg but its called TAKAFUL. Islam mencakupi smua aspek kehidupan, tidak tertinggal insurance jgk.Taw x khairat kematian, itupon salah satu aplikasi insurance jgk. so jgn lah risau ye.

Org tye ad ke kje nanti? In shaa Allah rezeki sentiasa ada dimana-mana asalkan usaha. Dalam bidang insurance ni sgt byk kje jgn lah risau asalkan korang survive dlm industry ni. contohnya risk surveyor,loss adjuster,loss assessor, agent, broker, underwriter, mmg  sgt byk.. nmpak tak yg korg mmg xkn menganggur..tapi smuanya kne dptkn lesen dari BNM(bank negara malaysia) sb insurance kita xdpt provide product yg ada di dpn mata just bila accident happen or any risk which have been insured bru lah kita nmpak..

Contohnya: sy insuredkan rumah sy.bila umah terbakar sb gas meletop barulah insurance company akn provide coverage.

weheee k lah pnjg sgt dh..t klo update lg sy cite pasal subject yg korg akn ambik untuk diploma kos insurance sbject based on UITM syllabus k..klo uni lain xtaw..klo blaja xsme t jgn mrh plak ye

Assalamualaikum =)

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

alahai perempuan

setiap perkara terjadi mesti ada percaturan lebih baik dari sang pencipta
macam tulah lumrah kejadian lelaki dan wanita
hmm.. settle intro hahaha

perempuan sangat rumit
siyes aku cakap
benda yang senang dijadikan susah
haish pening pala
bukan lah semua perempuan
ni mungkin apa yang tengah terjadi kat dalam kehidupan aku kot..

kadang-kadang mulut lebih laju dari otak berfikir kot
tulah perempuan
k bye

Monday, 7 October 2013

Terlipat Kemas Dalam Ingatan

bulan 10 ni adalah penghujung tarikh mana kami intake 2010-2013
 telah berjaya mengharungi perjalanan sebagai mahasiswa tp diploma level lah..hehe
masa mmg cepat berlalu sepantas cahaya
semuanya tinggal dalam kenangan

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Perkara tersirat adalah milik hakiki dari-Nya

perkara tersirat memang diluar jangkaan 
sehingga diluar batasan pemikiran manusia yang kerdil

apa yang terjadi semua atas kehendak-Nya 
sampai terlupa apa yang terjadi peringatan untuk diri sendiri
tidak pernah Dia hadirkan dugaan untuk kita terseksa
tetapi hadirnya sebuah dugaan sebagai peringatan kecil agar tidak terlalu leka

amanah diberi bukan untuk diremehkan 
tetapi untuk dijaga sehingga terlaksana
khalifah bukan sekadar gelaran agung tapi sebuah amanat dari sang Pencipta


masihkah diri sehina ini diberi kesempatan untuk melaksanakan segala suruhan-Nya
dititipkan doa agar sentiasa menunduk dan sesekali mendongak untuk menggapai impian

tatkala bersedih
dihimpit dugaan 
dan diluaskan rezeki
sentiasalah menadah tangan sebagai tanda bersyukur 
kerana Dia masih memandang pada kita
agar kita tidak terlalu leka hingga jatuh sampai tersungkur

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Lihat masa hadapan bukan masa yang akan datang dan pergi tanpa erti

kadangkala pelik dengan sikap sesetengah manusia
contohnya bila orang tanya soalan
s:apa cita-cita ko?
j: entah aku pon xtaw ap cite2 aku

klo kita tye pokok pon ad jawapan knpa dia bergoyang
inikan pula manusia
seorang khalifah di dunia, gah pada akal dan fikirannya
kenapa masih ada jawapan yang tidak setanding 
 kehebatan hikmahnya dikurniakan akal dan fikiran..

kagum aku bagi penghormatan untuk kalian

inikah masa hadapan kalian???

stock dari google

masa hadapan belum tentu milik anda
walaupun masa kini milik anda

berfikirlah hari ini kalian ada
adik beradik 
saudara mara

di masa hadapan 
adakah mereka semua anda miliki lagi???
belum ada jaminan lagi untuk anda memiliki mereka sampai hari esok

kejayaan tidak akan datang dengan sendirinya

berfikirlah untuk masa hadapan agar tidak tewas dan alpa dengan hasutan dunia yang fana

pengalaman menjadikan diri ini lebih menghargai takdir-Nya

kadang kala kita xsedar apa yang terjadi semua atas kehendak-Nya..
impian yang dicita belum tentu milik kita selamanya..
selamanya berpeganglah pada paksi-Nya agar kita sesekali tidak untuk menoleh dari lindungan-Nya

mmg alpa
mudah lupa
mudah merasa selesa
pada akhirnya tinggallah penyesalan tidak bertepian
sehingga mengakibatkan diri sendiri tergelincir...


akhir khalam,
berusahalah sehingga kita dihembusan nafas terakhir
ingatlah bukan mengejar pelajaran dan cita saje usaha kita
tetapi mencakupi segenap aspek kehidupan 

Thursday, 6 June 2013

pengorbanan seorang ayah..


arini aku tetiba plak feeling2 sedih bila tgk cara ayah aku lyn adk bongsu aku..
aku ada 5bradik dlu kecik2 4 jelah..lpas arwah mak meninggal gn dpt lesen dri aku(means kebenaran utk nikah lg)hehe itu pon selepas 5thn ayh aku idop sengsorg...mknanya adk bgsu aku 2 adk sebpa bkn seibu lah..

semua org akn ckp kmi adk bradik ank ayh..mmg anak ayh(sungguh2)..sbnya dri kecik ayh ktorg lyn je ktorg..cbe bygkan bdk2 slalu mntak itu.mintak 2 lah ktorg 5bradik trmasuk skali si bongsu..ayh sentiasa sabar je..walaupon tengah penat, ayh sedaya upaya lyn ktorng..
xpernah nak mengeluh..betapa sabarnya ayah aku..

penah tgk x iklan petronas..ank dia tye soalan yang sama byk kali..sang ayh sentiasa jawab..walaupun bnda yang sama..
cite 2 sebijik dgn apa yang ayh aku buat..
ktorg tye bnda yng sama mesti ayh jawab jgk walaupon dah jemu nak jawab..
tingginya kasih sang ayah terhadap anaknya..

bila aku tgk ayh lyn aina
aku kengkadang sedih..
aku risau aku belum sempat balas jasa ayh(walaupun mmg xkn dpt balas) bila ketikanya ayh aku tutup mata..
adakah aku mampu jadi ank yg baik..
mampu xaku layan ayh aku mcm mana ayah lyn aku masa kecik..

kengkadang kite sebagai nak wajib menilai diri kita sendiri..
tanya pada diri sendiri sama ada pernah tak buat ibubapa kite terasa..
selalu x kita ckp kita sayang mereka..

sampai arini aki sentiasa ckp dekat ayh aku..'ayh akk sentiasa syg ayh'
sb aku takut 1 ari nanti aku xmampu ucap lg ayt 2..
dan aku nak ayh sentisa tahu aku sentisa sayang kat ayh..
sb aku takut aku seperti mana aku kehilangan insan yg aku paling sayang..

salam dari anak mu tersayang,

Saturday, 9 March 2013

 1. How did ERP helping improve business operations at Shell?
 Enterprise resource planning helping improve business operations at Shell to integrate and manage its daily operations that span from wells and mines. To processing plants , to oil trucks and gas pumps.
For example, ERP system has helped the company greatly in terms of reducing and coordinate the highly manual process of third-party contractors submitting repair information and invoices.

2. How could extended ERP components help improve business operations at Shell?
 ERP solution improve business operations at Shell by providing an integrated web-based service order, invoicing and payment submission system. Because before this, the information was not timely and it was often weeks or even months old by the time it made it into the payment processing system. Thus, Shell was not collecting sufficient information about what repairs were being done, what caused the problem and how it had been resolved.
However, with the ERP system the contractors can also enter detailed about the work that was performed and sometimes even attaching photo and drawings to help describe the work that was done.

3. What advice would you give Shell if it decided to choose a different ERP software solution?
In my advice, if shell decide to choose a different ERP software solution, they can use to handle other operational tasks. 
-For example, the system can help speed up maintenance and repair operations at the company's refineries. 
-They can use ERP system to access these things directly from a centralized database.
- but it depends on the suppliers or contractors that want to search the Shell Company’s website.
- If the system that they choose can satisfy the user or the contractors the software can be proceed to use, if not Shell must use the ERP software that they already have. 
-in this era people want the easier work and if people already knows and common with the system before, they will make the work effective and efficiency.Changes can be made but not too complicated until exist the difficulty feel for them. 

4. How can integrating SCM, CRM and ERP help improve business operations at Shell?
Application such as supply chain management, customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning system are the backbone of e-business. It's the key to success for many companies. Thus, it can help improve business operations at Shell for 
SCM - Sales forecasts, sales strategies and marketing campaigns
CRM - Market demand, Resource and capacity constraints, and Real-time scheduling.
ERP - Forecasting, Planning, Purchasing, Material management, Warehousing. Inventory and Distribution.

Shell does not only use ERP system to help business operations but also using SCM system to integrate sales for Shell company and CRM system to help in market demand.
With these system, employees across the company have gained fast and ease access to the tools and information they need to conduct their daily operations.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

chapter 10: learning outcomes: Extending The organization( SCM)

apa dia sebenarnya supply chain ni ye? klo dalam bm dia rangkaian bekalan lah..
macam mana satu product tu boleh dihasilkan melalui satu rangkaian bekalan dari suppliers sampailah ke pengedar ataupun sampai ke tangan pengguna..kalau ikut sbenarnya saya ada buat entry tajuk Supply Chain Management..

kat bawah ni saya nak menambah informasi je..hehehe

List and describe the components of a typical supply chain

A company must have a plan for managing all the resources that go towards meeting customer demand for products and services. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less and delivers high quality and value to customers 

Companies must carefully choose reliable suppliers that will deliver goods and services required for making products. Companies must also develop a set of pricing, delivery, and payment processes with suppliers and create metrics for monitoring and improving the relationships 

Companies manufacture the products or services. This can include scheduling the activities necessary for the production, testing, packaging, and preparing for delivery. 

Deliver/ Logistics:
The set of processes that plans for and controls the efficient and effective transportation and storage of supplies from suppliers to customers. 
During this step, companies must be able to receive orders from customers, fulfil the orders via a network of warehouses, pick transportation companies to deliver the products and implement a billing and invoicing system to facilitate payments

Companies must create a network for receiving defective and excess products and support customers who have problems with delivered products. 

Describe the four changes resulting from advances in IT that are driving supply chain

Supply chain visibility is the ability to view all areas up and down the supply chain.
Bullwhip effect occurs when distorted products demand information passes from one entity to the next through the supply chain.
*Information technology allows additional visibility in the supply chain.

Demand planning software generates demand forecasts using statistical tools and forecasting techniques.
Ones an organization understand customer demand and its effect on the supply chain it can begging to estimate the impact that its supply chain will have on its customers and ultimately the organization's performance.

Supply chain management can be broken down in"
Supply chain planning software: uses advanced mathematical algorithms to improve the flow and efficiency of the supply chain while reducing inventory. SCP depends entirely on information for its accuracy.
Supply chain executive (SCE) software automates the different stems and stages of the supply chain.

During the past decade, competition has focused on speed. New forms of severs, telecommunications enabling companies to perform activities that were once never thought possible.
Another aspect of speed is the company's ability to satisfy continually changing customer requirements efficiently, accurately, and quickly.

Summarize the best practices for implementing successful supply chain management system

§Plan This is the strategic portion of supply chain management. A company must have a plan for managing all the resources that go toward meeting customer demand for products or services. A big piece of planning is developing a set of metrics to monitor the supply chain so that it is efficient, costs less, and delivers high quality and value to customers. Dell must plan how it wants to handle its supply chain – efficiently or effectively.
§SourceCompanies must carefully choose reliable suppliers that will deliver goods and services required for making products. Companies must also develop a set of pricing, delivery, and payment processes with suppliers and create metrics for monitoring and improving the relationships. Dell will need to choose partners who have the same innovative mindset and are capable of keeping up with Dells fast pace.
§Make This is the step where companies manufacture their products or services. This can include scheduling the activities necessary for production, testing, packaging, and preparing for delivery. This is by far the most metric-intensive portion of the supply chain, measuring quality levels, production output, and worker productivity. Dell needs to ensure all of its computers are of the highest quality – quality issues in the PC market will kill a PC manufacturer.
§DeliverThis step is commonly referred to as logistics. Logistics is the set processes that plans for and controls the efficient and effective transportation and storage of supplies from suppliers to customers. During this step, companies must be able to receive orders from customers, fulfill the orders via a network of warehouses, pick transportation companies to deliver the products, and implement a billing and invoicing system to facilitate payments. This step is critical to Dell since it does not have a distributor to deliver its products.

    ReturnThis is typically the most problematic step in the supply chain. Companies must create a network for  
       receiving defective and excess products and support customers who have problems with delivered products. Since Dell does no have any distributors it must make the return process as easy as possible for customers.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t..

Sahabat???apa maksudnya sbenarnya..
tehee aku da link kan..rjin2 la bkak link..huhuhuhu

sebenarnya sahabat paling2 baik denagn kite adalah IBUBAPA kite sendiri..
mereka lah yang xkan sesekali kianat kite..
merekalah yang jaga kite dri kecik smpai la saiz ank gajah..(tahahaha sori itu saiz aku saje).
so ada possibility ke parents kite nak kianat kite?absolutely X..
semua ibubapa nak yang terbaik utk ank2nya..
setakat ni akuxjmpa ibubapa yang lupakan ank,(bkn ibupaba yg buang ank)
HANYA ank lupakan ibubapa
source: google

segala perjalanan hidup aku ditentukan oleh Yang Maha Esa tapi ats bimbingan keluarga aku..
segala suka duka kehidupan aku semua nya ayah aku tahu..
AYAH-pendengar terbaik
AYAH- penasihat terbaik
AYAH-pengkritik yg jujur

Nape aku nak cari sahabat yang len sedangkan aku ada sahabat yang dianugerahkan untuk aku.
Bersahabatlah dengan ibubapa anda kerana mereka sentiasa menyayangi kite.
mak saya dah meninggal..(layan syahdu jap)!_!
xpe2 next entry aku wat cite pasal mak aku plak =)

BUKAN aku xde sahabat lain..
ada2 sambil angguk2..hehehe
lagi seorang sahabat yang aku xkan lupekan smpai aku mati iaitu merangkap roomate's,classmate's and housemate's..
Nape aku sayang dia???
mse aku susah dia sentiasa dgn aku,
aku sedih dia jgk sentiasa ada dengan aku,
mse aku sakit dia yang jage smpai aku sehat,
tatkala aku perlukan seorang teman untuk bercerita,
HANYA dia yang ada disisi aku selain ibubapa aku..



what is artificial technologies???hewhewhew..
It is something that systems similarly with human intelligence..
In the simple words something like robotics because it's stimulates from human behavior and thinking.

There are four categories of Artificial Intelligence:

kind a process of solving difficult problems.
the example company using this software is Cell Matrix Corporation.
A Cell Matrix is an electronic structure with a set of physical and functional properties that are convenient for designing and manufacturing circuits. The Cell Matrix computing architecture is essentially a construct for thinking about, designing, and building digital circuits. Whereas computer programming languages provide a way of thinking about and solving problems.
This company has apply expert systems a part of artificial intelligence. 

To emulate the way the human brains works. It is also analyze large quantities of information to establish patterns and characteristics in situations where the logic or rules are unknown.
Organization who apply this software is Brighterion.
Brighterion is the leader in smart analytics offering products for real-time
cross-channel fraud prevention, device ID, clickstream analysis, credit risk, chargeback, KYC, AML compliance, and homeland security intelligence. Our products are used and trusted by the largest institutions and governments around the world.

BioComp Systems one of the company who applied genetic algorithms.
For over 20 years, the key BioComp technology staff have researched, applied, and learned the utility of different algorithms. Every algorithm has its strengths and weaknesses. We look for and invent "robust" algorithms, ones that are flexible and powerful enough to be applied in many ways with little or no modification. Through this process we have modified select algorithms to improve their performance and results.
This is used to make decision towards company future.

Is a special-purpose knowledge-based information system that accomplished specific task on behalf of its users. 
Example of organization using this is shopping Yahoo
software programs that operate unattended, usually on the Internet.
Intelligence agents also have the capabilities to handle supply chain buying and selling.

source: google

madam cakap cite dia best..=p

Saturday, 26 January 2013

chapter8: Assessing Organizational Information -Data Warehouse

1). Describe the role and purpose of data warehouses and data marts in the organization.

Data warehouse- A data warehouse is a collection of data, usually current and historical, from multiple databases that the organization can use for analysis and decision making. The purpose, of course, is to bring key sets of data about or used by the organization into one place.-

Data mart- Data marts are related sets of data that are grouped together and separated out from the main body of data in the data warehouse.

source from google

The purpose of data warehouse is to aggregate information throughout an organization into a single repository in such way that employee can make decision and undertake business analysis activities.
besides that, database store all the transaction such as sales of product.

The roles of data mart is easily to employee to access the data information. Other than that, data marts as having focuses information subsets particular to the needs of a given business unit such as finance or production and operations.

2). Explain the relationship between business intelligence and a data warehouse.

Business intelligence usually refers to the information that is available for the enterprise to make decisions on. A data warehousing (or data mart) system is the backed  or the infrastructural, component for achieving business intelligence. Business intelligence also includes the insight gained from doing data mining analysis, as well as unstructured data (thus the need of content management systems). 
Let me give the path of Data warehousing. All the source data from disparate sources are used to load/Stage data. Different sources can be flat files, another database or some other process. The starting point of the Data warehouse should extract the data in order to load into its environment.This is extracting. This data may not be the expected format or size. your business demands are different or your organization business requirements are different. So the business process has to modify the data or better word is to transform the incoming data to meet requirements and objectives. This is called Transformation. Once every slicing and dicing of the data is done along with applied business rules, this data is ready for loading into the target tables. This process is called Loading. So overall till now we have done Extraction, Transformation and Loading. In short we call this ETL. There are lot of tools available in today's market which does help in achieving the ETL process. Once this data is loaded in to the database, this is ready for next processing. We call that database as Data warehouse database. The next process could be building of datamarts or directly reporting from it. There are lot of tools/software available for reporting/analysis. Some call it business reporting or analysis tool. But if you see the whole process has intelligence involved in business. we can call this or the gurus call it Data warehousing and the system involved from end to end is called business intelligence system.

chapter 7: Storing Organization Information-Database

1). Define the fundamental concepts of the relational database model..

What is database actually? macam mana database ni berfungsi?...manelah tahu benda ni..budak yang ambik sains komputer je kut yg tahu..<------is that your perception?kne banyak membaca ni..isk3...

A collection of programs that enables you to store, modify, and extract information from a database. There are many different types of DBMSs, ranging from small systems that run on personal computers to huge systems that run on mainframes.
In example: computerized library system, automated teller machines  
 and flight reservation systems.
besides that,it is shows how the internal organization can affect how quickly and flexibly you can extract information from this database.
This software are gathered all of the information in one central database..

2). Evaluate the advantages of the relational database   

  • Increase flexibility - who access the database will able get the information based on their users of database.
  • Increase scalability and performance- which is to looked at the performance of organization. Scalability is how well the systems can adapt to increase demand. Meanwhile, performance is base on the how quickly systems performs during transaction.
  • Reduced information redundancy- which is to reduce duplication of information.
  • Increase information integrity(quality)-measure quality of  information.
  • Increase information security- which is to maintain information integrity using password, access levels and access control.
3). Define a database management system and its relationship    
     to a website.

Database Management System(DBSM) is how the software can interact within users and application programs. How the DBMS manipulate the data information through database. The example is online shopping.How the owner want to fulfill the customer demand with the information for the warehouse data. Besides that, organization can measure their performance using the website. Which is how many visitors every day reach to the website,

4). Explain why an organization would want to integrate its database.

the organization should integrates the database because to ensure there no duplication of information. Means, no need  difference people key in the same database information. it is also increase flexibility because difference users with difference purpose can using one database according to their purpose.
The organization increase their performances and quality of database.

Saturday, 19 January 2013



Hello, looked at the title above..Anyone knows who they are? hmmm what their responsibilities actually?
don't you want to know?..lets read my entry till the end..weheee...
 To ensure our organization running smoothly we should have a few top manager which can lead our organization in order to achieve organizational goals.

Firstly is Chief Knowledge Officer( CKO)  

  • responsible for managing intellectual capital and the custodian of Knowledge Management practices in an organization. 
  •  CKO can help an organization maximize the returns on investment in knowledge (people, processes and intellectual capital), exploit their intangible assets (know-how, patents, customer relationships), repeat successes, share best practices, improve innovation, and avoid knowledge loss after organizational restructuring.
  • responsibilities of CKO: Collecting relevant data that is useful for the organization as knowledge, Developing an overall framework that guides knowledge management, Actively promoting the knowledge agenda within and beyond the company, Overseeing the development of the knowledge infrastructure and Facilitating connections, coordination and communications.
Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • responsible for the information technology and computer systems that support enterprise goals.
  • Information technology and its systems have become so important that the CIO has come to be viewed in many organizations as the key contributor in formulating strategic goals for an organization.
  • chief technology officer develops new technologies to expand corporate technological capabilities.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  •  CTO as “Big Thinker” spends his/her time evaluating how technology can be used internally by the business.
  • This CTO’s responsibilities often include advanced technology, competitive analysis, technology assessment, prototyping lab,partnering, planning, and architecture standards.

Chief Security Officer (CSO)
  • A chief security officer, or CSO, is the top official with an organization's computer system and handles all problems and concerns associated with information and system data. It is her duty to protect any piece of data that goes through an organization's computer system as well as decrease the threat of fraud within the systems.

Chief Privacy Officer (CTO)
  • Establish a uniform high level of data protection for all personal data, regardless of origin and location,but leave space for customization based on local law or a particular client requirements.
  • Establish complaint and rights procedures.
  • Respond and deal with requests from individuals.
  • Respond and deal with clients’ requests.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Efficiency and Effectiveness using a facebook in IT Metrics


Hye the previous entry I had explained about efficiency and effectiveness of the IT Metrics.
And this entry I should comment how the efficiency and effectiveness the seller using  Facebook as a medium of business.
source from google
By doing a business online the seller should to figure out whether the medium used is very effective in terms of speed, availability and etc. for the customers or not.
An example I as a online seller through a Facebook offering furniture and house accessories.
I should advertise the product exactly similar with the original by using a pictures, detail information such as what kind of raw materials used for that sofa.
Thus the customer can making a decision through the certain information was given. And how much time the customer would spend into my website just to review my product?
Weather it is effective or not?
Has my customer have their satisfaction during online shopping at my website?


Yes, because when the customer review my website, they don't need much time to spent time during survey the product.
For example, when the customer attracted to my product, they will read the specifications for that item such as raw materials, price incurred and the design of that product will clearly stated from the websites.
This kind of business online is very effective because can save time and no need to make much effort to get the product.
Besides that, from this business also we can get the satisfaction information from the customer.
This satisfaction information I will collect it from the feedback of the customers.
From the feedback I can measure it, weather I achieve my organization goals or not.

Effectiveness and Efficiency of IT metrics

what is IT METRICS????(click here for the definition)

Efficiency of IT Metrics..

  • Measure of the performance of the IT.
  • Which is how far the company can utilize the resources.
  • For example:  In example, the rate of speed is used in reference to transactions. when I go to the Tesco to purchase groceries, how much I spend my time to queue in the line until the cashier return my balance.
Effectiveness of IT 
  • Measure the impact of IT on business process and activities including of customer satisfaction, conversion rate and etc.
  •  An example in real life would be how well customers are treated at the Apple store when purchasing a new I pod or computer.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

CHAPTER 3: Strategyi Initiatives for Implementing Competitive Advantages


Whose know what is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
  • Means managing and maintain all the supplier relationship. 
  • click here for better definition SCM .=)
  • In this software consists of four basic component which are:
1. Supply chain strategy.
2. Supply chain partners.
3. Supply chain operation.
4. Supply chain logistics.

SCM is a software using widely in organization to ensure their company running smoothly. For example Tesco, this supermarket needed to have a good relationship with their supplier to ensure Tesco can supply their product to customer.

This software have a few steps before the product can reach to the customer.

Before it is can be a product, the organization will bought raw materials from their supplier. For instance, screw to make a component of computer. Each step of process to produce a computer have their own suppliers. Which all the organization should maintain their relationship between their suppliers.  

 Component is something the combination of raw materials to create a module. For example, computer is the module meanwhile the equipment inside the computer is the component  to produce a computer.  

After making a component process, manufacturer will ask the supplier sent it to the factory to making a final steps to become a computer. which is the manufacturer will complete the task to ensure the computer can be use in future. After complete the process, manufacturer will deliver those items to the retailers.

After manufacturer delivered the product, retailer will market their product to ensure fulfill  the customer demand.
Customer will purchase the product to ensure they can get their needed. Thus it is the final stages which the product have been delivered to the customers and they have their satisfaction.